A man, and woman reading the Bible

Faith in God Brings blessings


Howdy, fmarso22 Hi, everyone. Thank you for visiting this page; today, we are going to show you how faith in God will bring blessings to you and your family. Faith […]

The Real Truth About Tithing 1

The Truth About Tithing


The Truth About Tithing  Matthew 24:15  So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand. (NIV)  […]

I need a God

I need a God.


The God I need, and I think that we all need   The God I need, and I think that we all needI need a God who is higher than any […]

The directions page in rank math the spirit

The Holy Spirit


One of the three persons of the Trinity Matthew 3: 16-17 So, Jesus was baptized. As soon as he came up out of the water, the sky opened, and he […]