I need a God

I need a God.


The God I need, and I think that we all need  

The God I need, and I think that we all need
I need a God who is higher than any other gods. (Psalm 91:1)
In a world filled with various beliefs and deities, I need a God who surpasses all others in power and majesty. A God who is not only supreme but also transcendent, existing above and beyond the physical universe. This God, who resides in the secret place of the Most High, offers us shelter and protection under His mighty wings. He is exalted above all principalities and powers, and His greatness is unsearchable.

I need a God who knows how everything works since He created all of them. (Genesis 1 and 2)
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. This God, the ultimate Creator, fashioned the universe with wisdom and understanding. He intricately designed the cosmos, from the vast galaxies to the smallest atoms. Every law of nature, every life form, and every element of creation reflects His divine ingenuity. Knowing that He understands every detail of His creation gives me confidence that He knows how to guide and sustain my life.

I need a God who controls and commands the heavens and the earth because He is all-mighty. (Psalm 22:28)
This God reigns over all nations and kingdoms. His dominion is everlasting, and His authority is absolute. He commands the winds and the waves, orchestrates the movements of the stars, and governs the affairs of humanity. With such omnipotence, He can intervene in the course of history and in our personal lives, ensuring that His purposes are fulfilled.

I need a God who understands everything because He is omniscient. (Psalm 147:5)
God’s understanding is infinite; His knowledge encompasses all things, past, present, and future. He knows the thoughts and intentions of every heart, the secrets of the universe, and the mysteries of existence. His wisdom is beyond measure, and He uses this perfect knowledge to guide us, teach us, and reveal His will for our lives.

I need a God who can help my family and me simultaneously, no matter where we are across the world, because He is omnipresent. (Psalm 139: 7-12)
Where can I go from Your Spirit? Or where can I flee from Your presence? This God is present everywhere, at all times. Whether we are in the depths of the sea or the highest heavens, He is there. His presence surrounds us, comforting us in times of distress and rejoicing with us in moments of joy. He is with us in every situation, providing support and guidance no matter our location.

I need a God who is never late because He does things at a precise time. (Isaiah 60:22)
God’s timing is perfect. He is never early, never late, but always on time. His plans unfold at the appointed times, and His purposes are accomplished with precision. Even when we are impatient or do not understand His timing, we can trust that He is orchestrating events for our ultimate good and His glory.

I need a God who protects my family and me against any strikes of the devil because He is all-powerful. (Psalm 62:11)
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. His power is unmatched, and He is able to thwart any schemes of the enemy. He provides us with spiritual armor to stand firm against the attacks of the devil, ensuring our safety and security.

I need a God who can provide for my family and me because He owns everything. (Psalm 24:1-2)
The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it. God, the owner of all creation, has unlimited resources at His disposal. He provides for our needs according to His riches in glory, supplying us with daily sustenance, shelter, and blessings beyond measure.

I need a God who can watch over my family and me all the time because He never sleeps. (Psalm 121)
He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. God is ever-vigilant, constantly watching over us. He protects us from harm, guides our steps, and keeps us safe through the night and day. His constant watchfulness ensures that we are never alone or unguarded.

I need a God who is ready to forgive me when I make a mistake because He is merciful. (Psalm 103: 10-12)
God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. He does not deal with us according to our sins but offers forgiveness and grace. His mercy is endless, and He is always ready to welcome us back when we repent and seek His forgiveness.

I need a God who would love my family and me no matter what because He is love. (1 John 4:8)
God is love. His love is unconditional, sacrificial, and eternal. He loves us not because of what we have done but because of who He is. His love sustains us, comforts us, and gives us the assurance that nothing can separate us from His love.
I need a God ready to go to the extreme to save my life, even if He has to die in my place. (Isaiah 53:3-5)
God demonstrated His love for us through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ. He bore our sins, suffered in our place, and died to redeem us. His willingness to go to such lengths for our salvation shows the depth of His love and commitment to us.

I need a God who can be with me not only in this lifetime but also in eternity. (Mathew 28:20)
God promises to be with us always, to the end of the age. His presence is not limited to our earthly existence but extends into eternity. He offers us the hope of eternal life, a future filled with His glory and joy forevermore.

I need a God who can bless me without painful toil. (Proverbs 10:22)
The blessing of the Lord makes us rich, and He adds no sorrow to it. God’s blessings are pure and bring true joy. He provides for us in ways that do not come with burdens or regret, allowing us to enjoy His gifts fully.

I need a God who can eliminate death, sickness, poverty, insecurity, lies, and pride because He is sovereign. (Revelation 21:4)
God will wipe away every tear from our eyes, and death shall be no more. He will create a new heaven and a new earth where suffering and pain no longer exist. His sovereignty ensures that His perfect will shall ultimately prevail, bringing an end to all forms of evil and brokenness.

I need a God ready to pay for my life, whatever the price may be, because He is a redeemer. (Romans 5:8)
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. God’s redemptive plan involved the highest price – the life of His Son. This ultimate act of love and sacrifice ensures our redemption and restoration to a right relationship with Him.

I need a God whose judgment is not based on financial power, political power, intellectual ability, or skin color because He is Righteousness. (Psalm 145:17)
God is just and fair in all His ways. His judgments are based on His perfect righteousness, not on human standards or biases. He values every person equally and judges with integrity and impartiality.
I need This God, don’t you think you need Him too?

In our complex and often challenging world, we all need a God who embodies these attributes. A God who is supreme, knowledgeable, powerful, omnipresent, timely, protective, providing, watchful, merciful, loving, sacrificial, eternal, blessing, sovereign, redemptive, and righteous. This God offers everything we need to navigate life’s difficulties and find true purpose and peace. Don’t you think you need Him too?

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